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What does neurodiversity mean?Neurodiversity defers to the world’s diversity of human minds, their uniqueness, and infinite variability in neurocognitive functioning. It encompasses all humans – neurotypical and neurodivergent.
What does neurodivergent mean?Neurodivergent is a term used to describe an individual whose brain processes information differently from what is considered typical or normal.
What is neurodivergence?Neurodivergence refers to the natural variation in the human brain regarding sociability, learning, attention, mood and other mental functions. It's a non-medical term that describes people whose brain functions differ from those considered 'typical' or 'neurotypical'. Neurodivergence encompasses a range of neurological differences, including but not limited to: Autism Spectrum Condition/Disorder (ASC or ASD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Dyslexia Dyspraxia Tourette's syndrome Dyscalculia Dysgraphia It's important to note that neurodivergence is not a fault or deficiency but a different way of processing information and interacting with the world. Each neurodivergent individual has their own unique set of strengths and challenges. The concept of neurodivergence is part of the neurodiversity paradigm, which views neurological differences as natural variations in the human genome rather than as disorders or conditions that need to be 'cured' or 'fixed'.
What does neurodiverse mean?Neurodiverse is a term used to describes a group of neurodivergent people.
What does neurotypical mean?Neurotypical refers to an individual whose ability to process information is considered typical or normal by societal standards.
What does masking mean?Masking refers to suppressing neurodivergence and performing what is considered by society to be the norm in terms of neurocognition to appear neurotypical. It's often a means to avoid stigma and can be detrimental to mental health.
What is a late diagnosis?Late diagnosis refers to being diagnosed as an adult or late teen. This can occur due to medical negligence, of milder symptoms during childhood or misdiagnosis of a condition.
What is a learning disability?A learning disability refers to a significantly reduced ability to: understand information, learn skills, and cope independently.Intelligence is affected. It is often confused with the USA definition, which is nearly identical to the UK term SpLD.
What is a Specific Learning Difficulty/Difference (SpLD)?SpLD is an umbrella term for multiple neurotypes affecting how a person processes and learns information: dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyspraxia/DCD.
Who is your focus?We focus on neurodivergent individuals. We work to promote, encourage, support and destigmatise neurodiversity in the legal professions. Some examples of our wide-ranging work include: Contributing to The Law Society, Lawyers with Disabilities Division, and Legally Disabled Reasonable Adjustments Best Practice Report; Attending law fairs and conferences; Collaborating with neurodiversity experts, legal organisations, and other EDI organisations; Events e.g. panel talks, Q&As, networking; Projects e.g. CV clinics, application clinics; Educational resources; Raising awareness and visibility through campaigns and projects e.g. Interview Series, Coffee Talks.
Why do you do it?The legal profession should be a place where neurodiversity is celebrated. However, misconceptions and stereotypes have led to a misunderstanding of the abilities of neurodivergent people and have often unfairly framed neurodivergent individuals. Many practising lawyers feel unable or unwilling to be open about their neurodivergence, and aspiring lawyers can often feel discouraged from pursuing a career in law at all.
What jurisdiction do you focus on?Our focus is on the legal professions of England and Wales. However, we are always open to consider new opportunities and perspectives.
Do you provide legal services?No, we do not provide any type of legal services, including legal advice, research, or academic research services. We also cannot recommend or endorse lawyers or legal professionals. If you are looking for a lawyer who understands neurodivergence, you might find someone through other neurodiversity and EDI organisations. Many organisations hold directories of professionals and services.
Can you recommend services which can provide me with a diagnosis?We cannot recommend or endorse any professionals who diagnose or support neurodivergence.
Do you help neurodivergent individuals going through the criminal or civil justice system?No, we are unable to assist individuals engaged in the criminal or civil justice system.
Do you help neurodivergent individuals detained under the Mental Health Act?No, we are unable to assist individuals detained under the Mental Health Act.
I want to collaborate with you on something. How do I go about that?We are always looking for new opportunities to raise awareness of neurodiversity and to forge new relationships. Please contact us via email, giving full details of your proposal. A member of our team will then contact you.
How can I support Neurodiversity in Law?We are flexible – we are lucky to receive support in many ways. For example: Partners/Champions commit to and support Neurodiversity in Law on a more formal basis. It is dependent on the individual. Some support us by speaking at our events, others share their time/expertise for clinics, projects and resources. Support may be more logistical or practical e.g. allowing us to use premises for an event, providing access to technology. If you do not wish to be a Partner/Champion, you can still give your time and expertise without long term commitment by volunteering ad hoc or as a one-off. E.g. giving advice in a CV clinic, or being interviewed as part of our Interview Series. Collaborating with us on joint events, projects and resources. If you would like to support us financially we accept donations through our website and through the member store. You can still support us without giving up any time or financial money. Follow us on social media, share our posts and website, and get talking about neurodiversity!
Are neurodivergent people disabled?Not all neurodivergent people are considered disabled under the Equality Act 2010. Even if they are, not everyone identifies as disabled.
Which neurominorities do you focus on?We focus on those whose neurotypes mainly affect learning and processing information, i.e. people who have: ​ ADHD, Autism/ASC, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, or a visual processing disorder.
Does being neurodivergent affect intelligence?Neurodiversity refers to the world’s diversity of human minds, their uniqueness, and infinite variability in neurocognitive functioning.It encompasses all humans – neurotypical and neurodivergent.
Are ADHD, Autism, SpLDs and visual processing disorders learning disabilities?Although ADHD, Autism, Specific Learning Difficulties, and processing disorders can potentially make learning harder, it is essential to note they are not learning disabilities. A learning disability is a reduced ability to understand information, learn skills and cope independently. Although neurodivergence can co-occur with a learning disability, having one of the above does not mean the individual has a learning disability.
Is late diagnosis an indication of low support needs?Late diagnosis does not reflect an individual’s needs. It is an indication of the diagnostic system’s failures and problems e.g. bias, stereotypes, and cultural barriers. It can be an indication that an individual has (subconsciously or consciously) relied on masking, which may have made it more difficult to identify signs of neurodivergence.
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